New Blog Design

I’ve got a new blog design you guys. And I’m very excited about it. This change has been a long time in the making. I’ve been unhappy with my blog layout for a while. At first I liked how whimsical the Koi theme was but I soon found it to be too distracting. Instead I was looking for a theme and color scheme that would be more sophisticated and sleek.

Over the past couple of months I spent countless hours trying different themes and playing with all the customization options. I finally settled on the Suits theme which is pretty streamlined and masculine. By adding the Customization package to WordPress I was able to change the fonts and colors to bring a feminine touch to it to be better suit the topic of this blog. I decided on Fertigo Pro for the headings and Museo Sans for the body text which I think go really well together.

The final inspiration for a color scheme came when I purchased a new orchid last week. Orchids are my favorite flowers, as you all probably know by now. My new phalaenopsis now gained a spotlight position on this blog by becoming part of the header image. I used the posterize tool at to add a watercolor effect to the photograph. I then used Gimp to add the text and a transparent background. The font I used for my logo is Bilbo Swash Caps. I pulled the accent colors, various shade of a dark fuchsia pink, from the picture of the orchid.

I also spent some time updating my sidebar widgets to fit the new theme, adding different social media icons and changing the color of my twitter feed. I updated my blogroll with some awesome blogs I’ve been reading regularly. Go check them out whenever you have a minute. Lastly, I added some more categories to the menu so that they’re more easily accessible.

I hope you all like the new design as much as I do. There are still some small things I want to change like updating my avatar to fit the new color scheme. I’d love to hear what you think about the new design so feel free to leave me a comment.


  1. Love it! “Suits” is one of my favorites and I nearly chose it when changing my blog around. I didn’t want to pay for the customization though. Was it terribly expensive?

    1. It’s not too bad – $30 a year. It makes it pretty easy to adjust your fonts and colors but is also kinda limited because they only have maybe 30 fonts to choose from. It does give you the option to manipulate the CSS directly which opens up a whole new world of possibilities but I didn’t really need it in the end to achieve the look I wanted.
      I was debating going premium to get more space and have my blog be add free as well but there was barely any difference in price so I’d rather get those options individually some other time.

      1. Good to know! I have no idea what CSS is or any of these fancy blog things are, I just fumble my way through it all 🙂 $30/year is not bad at all!

      2. Haha, I don’t blame you. I’m a programmer so I know a thing or two about it. Let me know if you’d ever need any help with that kinda stuff.

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